Thursday, February 20, 2014


Turkmenistan is not a well known Middle Eastern Country bordering Iran, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. Out of all countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, Turkmenistan boasts the highest record temperature.

Earlier this week, I did a post on North Korea. Though this is a Middle Eastern Country there are similarities between the two places. Both are run by a "president for life" (dictator). Both have extreme restrictions on foreign travel, and both countries governments are guilty of human rights violations, where there is extreme discrimination against the countries ethnic minorities.
                  "According to Reporters Without Borders' 2012 World Press Freedom Index, Turkmenistan had the 2nd worst press freedom conditions in the world, behind North Korea. It is considered to be one of the "10 Most Censored Countries".(Wikipedia)
Recently, Turkmenistan lifted its ban on Opera (it had seamed opera not Turkmeni enough to be played in there country.

Unlike North Korea, foreigners are allowed into the country.

I was looking for a personal experience to share with you about this country. Not my personal experience, but something. I asked one of my friends at work who had been in the military if she had been stationed in the bordering country, Afghanistan. She had not, but she told me her husband had been stationed in the Middle East. She hadn't been sure if he was in Turkmenistan or another country, because he usually referred to the country as Jerkoffistan. According to my co-worker, they referred to it as such because there really was not that much to do on base.

Because this is a Middle Eastern country, I ate Middle Eastern food. Typical food would be rice pilaf and kabobs, and flat bread.
They also adopted some cuisine from the Russians, so many of there salads are mayonnaise based salad, so for lunch, I ate potato salad, and cantaloupe (This country used to export melons to Russia).  

They also often drink green tea with milk, so instead of coffee, I have been drinking green tea all day.

Most of the time when I look up cuisine in Muslim Countries, I do not get a list of most popular alcoholic beverages, so I was surprised when I saw that it listed Vodka, beer, wine, and brandi as popular alcoholic beverages. So, with dinner I had a glass of wine.
Work Cited:
"Turkmenistan". Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 19, 2014.
"Turkmen Cuisine". Wikipedia. . Retrieved: February 19, 2014. 

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