Tuesday, December 31, 2013


               Prior to very recently I would have categorized Asian food can be broken into four categories, at Chinese, Japanese, Indian Subcontinent, and other. This is slowly starting to change with my exposure to other foods. A few days ago, I ate at my first Burmese restaurant, called Rangoon Ruby Burmese Cuisine. While I can’t attest to the how authentically Burmese this food was, I can tell you that it was quite tasty. My husband attempted to order Burmese Python, which was not something on the menu. I got Yellow Tofu in Red Curry. When I got this I was not sure what yellow tofu was. It looked like tofu, but it seemed more flavorful When I got home I went and looked it up. It is not actually tofu, but a yellow lentil curd. It is not even made like traditional Chinese Tofu. It is more like polenta where the lentil flower is mushed together with water and turmeric.
About Myanmar:
               Burma and Myanmar are the same place. The official name is actually the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. I always thought of Myanmar as a very forbidden place, just shy of being as isolationist as North Korea. This may be in the process of changing. The 2010 elections changed much of this. In May of 2013 the current president of this country became the first to visit the U.S. in 47 years.
               The country itself is a highly corrupt country, ranking 180 out of 183 countries.
               Recently, people of this country have been attacking and killing Muslims. People doing this include Buddhist monks. One of the monks leading this violence, U Wirathu, was recently released from prison. Ironically, he is referred to as the “Burmese Bin Laden”. It is not just monks responsible for the violence; the Burmese government has done little to quell the violence.

Work Cited:

"Burmese Tofu". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burmese_tofu . Retrieved: December 30, 2013.

"Burma". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma . Retrieved: December 30, 2013

“Ethnic Violence in Myanmar”. New York Times. Published December 11, 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/12/opinion/ethnic-violence-in-myanmar.html?_r=0. Retrieved: December 30, 2013

King, Tim. “Terror in Burma: Violence against Muslims”. Press TV. Published: December 28, 2013. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/12/28/342359/terror-in-burma-violence-against-muslims/. Retrieved: December 30, 2013.


               Prior to very recently I would have categorized Asian food can be broken into four categories, at Chinese, Japanese, Indian Subcontinent, and other. This is slowly starting to change with my exposure to other foods. A few days ago, I ate at my first Burmese restaurant, called Rangoon Ruby Burmese Cuisine. While I can’t attest to the how authentically Burmese this food was, I can tell you that it was quite tasty. My husband attempted to order Burmese Python, which was not something on the menu. I got Yellow Tofu in Red Curry. When I got this I was not sure what yellow tofu was. It looked like tofu, but it seemed more flavorful When I got home I went and looked it up. It is not actually tofu, but a yellow lentil curd. It is not even made like traditional Chinese Tofu. It is more like polenta where the lentil flower is mushed together with water and turmeric.

About Myanmar:

               Burma and Myanmar are the same place. The official name is actually the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. I always thought of Myanmar as a very forbidden place, just shy of being as isolationist as North Korea. This may be in the process of changing. The 2010 elections changed much of this. In May of 2013 the current president of this country became the first to visit the U.S. in 47 years.

               The country itself is a highly corrupt country, ranking 180 out of 183 countries.

               Recently, people of this country have been attacking and killing Muslims. People doing this include Buddhist monks. One of the monks leading this violence, U Wirathu, was recently released from prison. Ironically, he is referred to as the “Burmese Bin Laden”. It is not just monks responsible for the violence; the Burmese government has done little to quell the violence.

Work Cited:


"Burmese Tofu". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burmese_tofu . Retrieved: December 30, 2013.

"Burma". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma . Retrieved: December 30, 2013

“Ethnic Violence in Myanmar”. New York Times. Published December 11, 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/12/opinion/ethnic-violence-in-myanmar.html?_r=0. Retrieved: December 30, 2013

King, Tim. “Terror in Burma: Violence against Muslims”. Press TV. Published: December 28, 2013. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/12/28/342359/terror-in-burma-violence-against-muslims/. Retrieved: December 30, 2013.


               Prior to very recently I would have categorized Asian food can be broken into four categories, at Chinese, Japanese, Indian Subcontinent, and other. This is slowly starting to change with my exposure to other foods. A few days ago, I ate at my first Burmese restaurant, called Rangoon Ruby Burmese Cuisine. While I can’t attest to the how authentically Burmese this food was, I can tell you that it was quite tasty. My husband attempted to order Burmese Python, which was not something on the menu. I got Yellow Tofu in Red Curry. When I got this I was not sure what yellow tofu was. It looked like tofu, but it seemed more flavorful When I got home I went and looked it up. It is not actually tofu, but a yellow lentil curd. It is not even made like traditional Chinese Tofu. It is more like polenta where the lentil flower is mushed together with water and turmeric.

About Myanmar:

               Burma and Myanmar are the same place. The official name is actually the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. I always thought of Myanmar as a very forbidden place, just shy of being as isolationist as North Korea. This may be in the process of changing. The 2010 elections changed much of this. In May of 2013 the current president of this country became the first to visit the U.S. in 47 years.

               The country itself is a highly corrupt country, ranking 180 out of 183 countries.

               Recently, people of this country have been attacking and killing Muslims. People doing this include Buddhist monks. One of the monks leading this violence, U Wirathu, was recently released from prison. Ironically, he is referred to as the “Burmese Bin Laden”. It is not just monks responsible for the violence; the Burmese government has done little to quell the violence.

Work Cited:
"Burmese Tofu". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burmese_tofu . Retrieved: December 30, 2013.

"Burma". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma . Retrieved: December 30, 2013

“Ethnic Violence in Myanmar”. New York Times. Published December 11, 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/12/opinion/ethnic-violence-in-myanmar.html?_r=0. Retrieved: December 30, 2013

King, Tim. “Terror in Burma: Violence against Muslims”. Press TV. Published: December 28, 2013. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/12/28/342359/terror-in-burma-violence-against-muslims/. Retrieved: December 30, 2013.

Rangoon Ruby.http://www.rangoonruby.com/ Retrieved: December 30, 2013.

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