weekend I enjoyed an Oktoberfest celebration held in Peoria, IL. We
had a really good time drinking dark German style beers. Igor,
mentioned in one of my posts on Mexico, got back to his Aztec roots
by building a pyramid... out of beer cups.
T.V. Show that I watched for this does not seem obvious, “Futurama”
Season 7, “Tragedy on a Bun”. In one episode Fry and his associates
at planet express go to Oktoberfest. Fry went thinking it would be
just as it was in the late 1990's, an excuse to drink lots of beer
and perform the Chicken dance. He finds instead that in his new time,
1000 years later, that Oktoberfest has turned into one of the worlds
most formal events celebrating German Culture. There is beer tasting,
where people spit out the beer as not to get drunk. Disappointed, Fry
proceeds to embarrass Leela by acting like a complete doof, drinking
all the spit out beer and sporting a chicken hat.
later in the show Fry ends up bumping his head, causing him to loose
his memory with the result of him believing that he is a Neanderthal.
Leela ends up believing that she has eaten Fry in Bratwurst form.
From here a war between Neanderthals and “modern humans” breaks
out, pitting Leela and Fry against each other.
Tragedy on a Bun: After Leela eats Fry, she tries to erase all her memories of him.
Tragedy on a Bun: After Leela eats Fry, she tries to erase all her memories of him.
the festival that I am writing about started in Germany, I thought it
would be appropriate to write about a movie that took place here.
This weeks movie is “Monument Men”. This movie is based on true
events, that became a book and then later a movie.
movie takes place during World War II. A ragtag team of intellectuals
end up in the army with the goal of recovering some of Europe's best
art, which had largely been stolen by the Nazis. Nazis are
threatening to destroy the art if they lose the war. Not only is this
group in a race against the Nazis, they are also in a race with the
Russians who are also try to get the art, but for just themselves.
the movie was over, I asked my husband, how bad would it be if the
Russians had beat us to much of this art? Would it have been
threatened to be destroyed, too? We concluded that while it would not
be in Europe and America's best interest for them to get the art, it
would not have been nearly as bad as Germany destroying it. While
Russia more then likely would have never chosen to share the art with
us or display it in where it is accessible to many of us, it would
still have been cherished by the Russians and displayed so the Soviet
Public could enjoy it. They may have turned into our enemy after
WWII, but they still held culture in high esteem.
did not actually eat the food at the food at Oktoberfest. They had
the traditional brats and sourcrout, which wouldn't surprise anyone,
along with pizza, pretzels, and funnel cakes.
before going out to Peoria, I made chicken and apple brats which I
pan fried.
Work Cited:
"Monument Men". 2014
"Oktoberfest. Wikipedia. Retrieved: September 25, 2014
"Oktoberfest. Wikipedia. Retrieved: September 25, 2014
"Tragedy on a Bun" Futurama Season 7. 2012
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