Sunday, September 14, 2014

New York

Lighter that I purchased while visiting the Statue of Liberty in 1999.
For 9/11 I wanted to do something that reminded me of New York. 9/11 meant different things to different people. It brought out the worst and the best in people. For some, it brought out a sense of patriotism; some people felt more united with their follow Americans. In some people it brought out racism, which caused them to fear, or distrust anyone who was Muslim or Middle Eastern. I remember some people had really wanted to bomb the crap out of Afghanistan right away, and others didn't want to do much at all.

I was in high school when I first heard the planes crashing into the towers. For me the day was filled with stopping classes to watch developments on TV. The city I was in, San Antonio, TX was supposed to be one of the most likely places to get attacked in the U.S at the time. I knew this, and I remember looking out of the schools window, which looked out on down town San Antonio, and I wondered, "what's next? Could something like that happen here? Could the Tower Of America's get hit?"

One of my favorite stories of 9/11 is my Brother-in-law's story. Anand was working in New York, and was running a little late for work. I want to point out that he did not work in the Twin Towers, but he did work nearby.

News of the event made it all the way around the world, and his family back to India grew worried. They tried frantically to get a hold of him from Bangalore, but of course, the phone lines were all tied up.

Meanwhile, back in New York Anand was able to see the smoke in the sky pouring out of the towers. He passed by an electronic store. This store was giving away its video cameras. They explained to him that this was far too important of an event not to document. Anand took video of the towers, and the immediate aftermath.

Anand had to walk home. On this long an arduous walk he ended up losing the camera. So no one he knows ever got to see the video.

Anytime my husband sees footage of 9/11 he wonders: “Is that the footage my brother recorded?”

Anand did not stay in New York too much longer. One day, not long after 9/11 Anand went out with one of his friends who was Muslim. His friend ended up getting harassed. Anand stuck up for his friend, and the stranger ended up punching Anand. This was the deciding factor that sent my brother-in-law back to India.

My step mother used to work in Marketing for a firm in New York. On 9/11 I asked her which restaurant reminded her the most of New York. Not 9/11, just New York. Her Answer Antonio's. Antonio's is an Italian Restaurant, which reminded Connie of a similar one in New York. In New York she would walk into this place and all the wait staff would greet her by name; she went there that often.

They would take her to a table in the back where some of the staff would sit and chat with her.

Antonio's feels authentic. We don't go there often enough for the staff to recognize us, still the staff is friendly and welcoming, though sometimes a bit ditzy.

This time, I got the gnocchi primavera. This is not exactly on the menu, but the menu makes it clear you can request any sauce with any pasta (or Gnocchi). The gnocchi is very good, but the standards have either beef or pork in them, which are two things I don't eat. My favorite sauce that I have had with the gnocchi the Pesto with Pine nuts. Of curse I have tried other things, like their pizza, and there chicken Marsala, which were both great, but thus far the Gnocchi Al Pesto is my top recommendation (After some of their great deserts of course).

Work Cited:

Antonio's Cucina Italiano website: retrieved 9/11/2014.

Harrison, Connie P. Connie living in New York. Conversations: 9/11/2014 and 2012.

Jujare, Arvind. Anand's 9/11 story as told by Arvind Jujare

"Mad Men". Season 3 Episode 12, "Grownups". November 2009. 

"Mad Men". Season 6 episode 5, "The Flood".  April 2013.

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