Sunday, March 2, 2014

Vatican City

Vatican City:
The Vatican City is considered by many to be its own country. The city itself is entirely within Italy, and is guarded by the Swiss Guard.

One of the better documentaries that I found was "National Geographic: Inside the Vatican." The documentary covers many of the rituals that go on behind the scenes in the Vatican, including what happens when a new pope takes office.

For this day, I listened to the Audiobook, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. This is the prequel to the Da Vinci codes. It takes place in the Vatican City. The protagonist, Robert Langdon is tasked with stopping the Illuminati (a secret society) from setting off a bomb made of antimatter.

Since the Vatican is entirely within the Vatican my dad, step mom and I ate Italian Food at Careira's. I had a vegitarian pasta dish in a white wine sauce, that contained green beans. I was told it contained spinach, but I didn't see any spinach in it when it came out. My dad had pasta with steak and portabella mushrooms, and Connie had gnocchi in meat sauce. How I envied Connie's gnocchi. Gnocchi, a potato dumpling has got to be one of my favorite Italian foods, but I didn't get it because of the meat sauce.

Brown, Dan. Angels and Demons. Published: May 2000

"National Geographic: Inside the Vatican". Aired: 2001

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