Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mexico-flag day

February 24 is flag day in Mexico, which is a national holiday.


One of my favorite books about Mexico is Like Water For Chocolate.  A young woman struggles with the fact that in her family, the youngest daughter is not allowed to marry because she is destined to take care of her mother. The woman falls in love, but her mother marries her older sister off to this man instead. She keeps her sanity through her love of cooking. What’s really neat about this book, is that each chapter opens with a different recipe.


With Easter only a month and a half ahead of us, I thought it would be nice to see how the Mexicans celebrate Easter. Often it is celebrated with a parade. You can see one of these parades on Idiot Abroad (Season 1, Episode 4) “Mexico”. Here, Carl, the Brit who is out of his element everywhere but home, witnesses a Mexican Easter Calibration where he is appalled to discover that they celebrate with fireworks, a fake crucifixion and by burning papier-mâché effigies that represent the devil.


Living by myself, I often feel I am wasting food when I cook. So for today, I only ate TV dinners. For breakfast I made myself a bean burrito. For lunch I had a Mayan Harvest cuisine by Koshi, which had black beans, plantains, sweet potatoes, and grain. For dinner I ate a chicken enchilada by lean cuisine.
Esquivel, Laura. Like Water for Chocolate. Published: 1992
Flag Day in Mexico. Wikipedia. flag day in Mexico Retrieved: February 24, 2014
Garvais, Ricky. "An  Idiot Abroad" Season 1. Episode 1. "Mexico". 2010.

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