Friday, March 7, 2014

Norfolk Islands

Norfok Islands
Yesterday, I focused on the Norfolk Islands, located between New Zealand and Australia.  Much like Australia, Norfolk Islands was where a place where prisoners were sent.

Morgan's Run was originally a book by Coleen McCullough. She later adapted the book into a musical with Gavin Lockley. The Author herself was from the Norfolk Islands. Most of her work takes place in the distant past, such as ancient Rome, or Elizabethan England. Some of her work is more modern. Morgan's Run  was the only book I could find about Norfolk Islands by an author from the location.

The Musical starts off in England. Prisoners go out to sea towards the Islands and bear many hardships. One of the songs in the musical is all about how some of the men promise to remain celibate.

Norfolk Islands was initially settled by Polynesians, because of this, hula is popular on this island. I pulled out my hula aerobics dvd and tried to dance. I couldn't exactly keep up with it. I am glad that I was by myself, because I probably looked ridicules, with my arms flailing all over the place and stiff hip movement.

Since the Island was settled by Englanders and is in close association with Australia, much of there food is similar to what we they eat.

For lunch, I had the same sausage sizzle that I made for myself when I did New Zealand, cooked with onions. Instead of white bread, like last time, I had it with Hawaiian sweet bread.

For dinner I had something my sister had told me about when she came back from living in Australia. She told me, that in Australia they make hamburgers with pineapple, cheese and barbeque sauce. So I made a vegie burger with that. 

I also had a glass Australian wine:  Fish eye, Moscato. It was sweet and fruity with a nice crispness.

Work Cited:
Lockley, Gavin. McCullough, Coleen. "Morgan's Run: The Musical".

McCullough, Coleen. Morgan's Run. Published: 31 August 2000

"Norfolk Islands". Wikipedia. Website:
Retrieved: 7 March, 2014

Lockley, Gavin. McCullough, Coleen. Morgan's Run.  Published: 31 August 2000

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