Friday, March 14, 2014



My youngest sister had gone to college in Australia. She fell in love with the place after her first visit, where she returned to us with reports of how much more thorough Australian news was, and how we didn’t get the world news Australia got. She went back and would call with stories of giant spiders, uncaring professors, and mild confusion. It wasn’t that she no longer liked Australia. She never expressed be disappointed in the place, at least not to me.  


I’m a sucker for 90’s Disney movies. One of my favorites when growing up was Rescuers Down Under, where a young boy battles an evil poacher, who is after a giant eagle. He is helped by the Rescuers: two mice from a previous movie, a kangaroo rat, and an Albatross who also serves as an airplane. This animated feature is light hearted and fun, with a cute sense of humor.


Since I had done a similar the Norfolk Islands, covered a few days before, and still had leftovers, I ate what I had eaten that day: Abby’s Australian veggie burgers (with pineapple and barbeque sauce).


Butoy, Handel. Gabor, Mike.“Rescuers Down Under”. 1990.

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