Saturday, February 15, 2014

New Zealand

As many of you know, I am very behind on my post. I am still doing what the activities that I write about, but I have not actually been able to type out the words.

New Zealand

Last month I wrote about the tiny nation of Niue, a country whose citizens enjoy duel citizenship with that of New Zealand. So last week I decided that I needed to know more about the country of New Zealand itself.

When I think of New Zealand, I normally think: “Hey, that’s close to Australia”, more like 900 miles from Australia. There is a whole sea, the Tasman Sea, between the two countries. Still there are a few similarities between the two countries, aside from relative proximity. They are both former British colonies, islands, whose major inhabitants are English Speaking Caucasians.

There are a few minorities here, like the native Maori Culture (a Polynesian subgroup), Asians, and other Pacific Islanders.

The Maori traditionally dress in very neutral colors with clothing decorated with feathers. Many of the Maori have traditional tattoos, including tattoos on the face.


I was pretty young when I was first exposed to New Zealand, though it was unknown to me at the time. When I was a child, one of my favorite shows was “Chip ‘n’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers”. The 11th episode of the first season takes place in New Zealand, though this is never specifically stated.

In the show the team of rodents has to steal back their flying contraption after Kiwi’s start worshiping it as a “flying god”.  Kiwis themselves are flightless birds endemic to New Zealand (People of New Zealand also call themselves Kiwis). In the show, the camp of Kiwis have a witch doctor (common in Maori tribes).


Since a majority of people here are of European decent, much of the food here is similar to that of Britain’s. For lunch on this day I chose to eat fish and chips. For dinner I had sausage sizzle: Pan fried sausage with caramelized onions, and mustard with white bread (

The Maori people had grown taro (what Hawaiians make poy) and sweet potatoes, so I also enjoyed chips made from the roots.

New Zealand is also famous for their wine. I was able to find a New Zealand wine at the local grocery store, Starborough. This is a delightful Sauvignon Blanc with tart citrus flavors.

Work Cited:

“Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers”. Season 1, Episode 11. “Kiwi’s Big Adventure. Aired: September 29, 1989.

Wikipedia: . Retrieved: February 6, 2013.

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