Monday, February 24, 2014

South Korea

South Korea

I was watching the closing Olympic ceremonies on Sunday. Part of the ceremony is that the team that hosts the next winter Olympics does a presentation. The 2018 Olympics will be hosted by South Korea in PyeongChang.

Last week I had written about North Korea. After the Korean war the North and South divided along the 38th parallel. Families were separated. North was communist, and South became capitalist. Today South Korea has one of the top economies in Asia.

Many of us became more familiar with South Korea after YouTube’s release of “Gangam Style”.

Last week I had watched a third of season 9 of M*A*S*H. This week I finished the season.

I had a lot of the ingredients from when I cooked for North Korea. So this week I finished up using the same ingredients and made a lot of the same food.

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