Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spain- Bringing it home

The Holiday:

Dia De la Toma is primarily celebrated in Granada, Spain on January 2. Granada was the last Muslim stronghold in the Spanish Peninsula, and was recaptured by the Catholic Monarch in 1492.

As many of you know, recently, Arvind and I went to Spain and one of our stops was in Granada. While I regret that we did not get to see the celebration of Dia de la Toma we did get to see many wonderful sights. I have posted some of our pictures here and on facebook.

I wanted to take some of Spain back with me, but my husband and I only had backpacks that had already been full when we got there. This means that all we were able to bring back with us is pictures and ideas.


We were not able to visit Valencia when while were in Spain, but Valancia is the birthplace of one of favorite dishes, Paella. It is also one of the places where they play one of their favorite sports, Soccer (Futbol). Since soccer is one a very popular sport in Spain, I took some time out of my afternoon to kick around a soccer ball.


I also watched the movie “Butterfly” which follows a young boys experience leading up to the Spanish civil war. This is a somewhat sad film that shows how ideals can divide even the best people when war breaks out. This is not a violent film by any means, and with the exception of one sex scene, it is fairly suitable for children to watch.


I wanted to recreate my trip through the food that I ate while there. The Spanish omelet is something that is available in any café or restaurant, no matter how few things are on the menu.

Brunch: Omelet (knows in Spain as a Tortilla de Española), Cheese under the broiler (sheep cheese from Spain on whole wheat bread), tomato compote

Dinner: Crawfish Quinoa Paella
Drink: White Spanish Wine- Marques Riscal, Rueda.



Tortilla de Española:


1 potato
½ small onion
¼ oil (mix of vegetable oil and olive oil)
2 eggs
Dash of milk
Salt to taste

This dish serves 1-3 people. I modified it from a recipe that served 8-10 people. The recipe that was my base can be found here:

1.      Peel the potato, and thinly slice cross wise. Place the potato slices in a small bowl. Fill the bowl with water to cover the potato. Add a pinch of salt. Let the potato soak for 5 minutes or so.

2.      Heat oil on lower medium in an 8” non-stick pan. (heating oil too hot will burn the oil or potatoes)

3.      Thinly slice the half onion.

4.      Line the pan evenly with the potato and onion. The oil should almost be covering the potato and onion. Flip everything in the mixture once. Once the potato can easily be cut with a spatula, it is done.

5.      Remove the potato and onion mix from the oil with a slotted spatula. Let the oil drain off a little, and place aside in a bowl.

6.      Pour all but about 2 tbs. of the oil out of the pan; if the oil is really hot, you may want to turn down the stovetop temperature.

7.      Beat together the egg. Add a dash of milk and a pinch of salt. Mix in the potato and onion.

8.      Pour the egg and potato mix into the heated pan. Let fry for about 5 minutes. Check to see if the bottom has browned. Once the bottom has browned take the pan to the sink.

9.      Flip the omelet by flipping it on a plate first and then sliding it back into the pan. Place pan back on stove and let cook for a few more minutes until the other side has browned.

 Crawfish Quinoa Paella:
2/3 cups quinoa
2/3 cups crawfish tails (peeled)
1 cup water
1 bell pepper, sliced
1 medium tomato, diced
1/4 tsp. Cajun seasoning
1 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. dried garlic
1/4 tsp. dried bell pepper
1/4 tsp. onion salt
1/2 large lemon
1. In medium sauce pan combine all ingredients, putting the peppers in last. Boil on medium heat for 10 minutes or until quinoa is half cooked.
2. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
3. When quinoa is half cooked, remove the bell peppers. Place mixture in oven safe dish. Place  the peppers that had been removed on top of the mixture.
4.  Cook at 300 degrees for an additional 20 minutes, or until all the water has absorbed into the quinoa.
5. Cut half a lemon into quarters. Remove paella from the oven and place the lemon wedges on top.  
Spain Posts:
The rest of my posts are as follows:


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