Saturday, January 4, 2014



               Earlier this week I reported on South Africa, the most economically developed country in Africa. Not all countries in this region of Africa are as lucky, economically as South Africa. One such example is Angola. Angola, while only separated from South Africa by the country of Zambia, is completely different from South Africa. Instead of being colonized by the British, it was colonized by the Portuguese, making Portuguese its official language. Angola first lead revolts against this occupation 500 years ago. This is celebrated every January 4th as Day of the Fallen against the Colonial Repression” or Martyrs’ Day.

               Angola is a very poor and underdeveloped country. It has one of the highest infant mortality rates, and lowest life expectancy rates in the world. Despite this Angola has the top basketball team in FIBA Africa (Like the NBA but consisting of 53 African Countries).

In honor of Angola I went to the gym and shot a basketball around for a while. I am really bad at Basketball.


I found that chicken and vegetable stew which is common in this country:

Here is how I made mine:

3 cups chicken broth
2 chicken thighs
1 cup cut okra
3 chopped tomatoes
1 chopped potato
1 tsp. tamarind

Place Ingredients in crock pot, place on high and let sit while at work (about 9 hours).


I was torn between watch “The Hero” and “Hollow City”. The first is a documentary of what happened to the average Angolan after its civil war. The second “is the first full-length movie directed by Angolan-born director Maria João Ganga.” And is the first to be directed by an Angolan woman.

               I chose to watch “Hollow City”. In this movie a young boy who has been orphaned through war is taken from his village to the big city by a convenient. The boy does not want to be at the orphanage, so he runs away. He wonders the streets of this dangerous city alone, making new friends, some of which do not always have his best interest at heart.  Meanwhile, the nun who lost him tries hard to find this lost boy.

               I was able to find this movie on YouTube in six parts:

Work Sited:

Maria João Ganga ,“Hollow City”.Published: January  2012. Retrieved: January 4, 2014.

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