Sunday, January 19, 2014


I went to an all girls high school, where I was on our school’s swim team. We practiced with our all boys sister school. One day a new boy showed up with a thick accent that I could not place. When I asked him where he was from, he told me Georgia: “Couldn’t I tell from his thick southern accent? ”He proceeded to try and convince me that he was from the state of Georgia. It wasn’t a Southern accent, so I pressed him further. I finally got out of him that he was from the country of Georgia, in the former Soviet Union. I dated this guy for about a week.

In college I met a group of Russian girls and I told them that I dated someone from Georgia. “Oh” one of them said, “We don’t like people from there. They’re pompous jerks.”

I didn’t get it, my friend wasn’t a pompous jerk. He was a nice quiet guy. However, I figured there must be a reason they thought this.

The summer after I graduated from college, the 5 day war broke out between the two countries. The dispute was over a small bit of land that lies between the two countries. The Georgians had no chance of winning, leaving many Georgian civilians dead or wounded in its wake. Since then, the war has been covered in short documentaries and the film, “5 Days of War”.


I chose to make potato pancakes and stuffed cabbage for dinner. Neither of them turned out as well as I would have liked, and so for this reason, I will not be sharing the recipes. The “pancakes” tasted good, but I lacked a crucial ingredient that made them pancakes. The cabbage was stuffed with a mixture of barley and boca meat substitute and then topped with tomato sauce. The stuffing and sauce was good, but the cabbage didn’t cook well.

Work Cited:

Harlin, Renny. “5 Days of War”. Copyright:2011.

 “Georgia”. Wikipedia. Retrieved: January 19, 2014. “Georgia VS Russia BBC Documentary Movie”. BBC. Retrieved: January 19, 2014.

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