Tuesday, December 10, 2013



Today, December 10, is Thailand’s constitution day. “In 1932 Thailand's absolute monarchy was replaced with a constitutional monarchy”. Thailand has a rich cultural and history. One of three things come to mind when we think of Thailand:

1)     The far off history that includes Thailand’s ties to Buddhism which are responsible for there great statues and monuments

2)     There modern party atmosphere as shown in movies like “the Hangover: Part II”.

3)     There great tasting food.

Very few people bring up the complicated 20th and 21st century politics of this country. Prior to 1932 Thailand was ruled by a hereditary monarch. Since then the country has been ruled by communists, democracies, military dictatorships, and everything in between. Ironically, though this day is devoted to the disestablishment of the monarchy the country still recognizes that monarchy as the head of state.


               The movie that comes to mind when I think of Thailand is “Brokedown Palace”. The movie is about two young women who go to Thailand as a cheap vacation before entering the adult world. One of the girls befriends a guy who ends up hiding drugs in their bags. Of course they get busted for this and end up in the horrifying Thai prison system. As a teenager, this story horrified me, and made me afraid to ever travel to Asia. I’ve gotten over this, but still, if I ever made a trip to this country I would probably double check all my bags to make sure there wasn’t anything I did recognize. It would probably be an unwarranted precaution.


Thai food is probably my favorite style of cooking. However, in the city I live in there are no good Thai restaurants. The best place to get such food is Noodles and Company. True, there is a place called Taste of Thai (which I call Yaste of Yai because the capital t's look like Y's), but it really isn't that good. If you live on Peoria, you really have to go into theme town over if you want Thai food. 


One birthday of mine, a friend of mine who was of Hmong decent made one of my favorite dishes of all time. I have written the directions to how to make it below:



3 Chicken breast

1 can coconut milk

1/2 can bamboo shoots

1/2 hard boiled robins eggs

1/4- 1/2 teaspoon red curry spice

Fresh lemon grass

Taro root



1) Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil. Add chicken, lemon grass, and taro root, boil until chicken is white and fully cooked. 

2) Remove lemon grass and taro root.

3) Add coconut milk, chili spice, sliced bamboo shoots, and robins eggs to the soup.

Work Sited:

Farlex. “The Free Dictionary”. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Thailand+Constitution+Day. Retrieved: December 10, 2013.

Kaplan, Jonathan. “Brokedown Palace”. 1999.

“Thailand”. Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand . Retrieved: December 10, 2013.

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