Saturday, December 14, 2013

Irish American

Irish American


               I was not planning on doing Ireland so soon in my blog, but last night Arvind went out and ended up eating Irish bar food. I had a Chicken Pot Pie, from Kelleher’s. Originally, Arvind and I were just going to have a drink with my friend Susan Ng, at the bar next to it. Rhodel’s, next door probably has the best beer in Peoria. They brew their own beer, and is just a great hangout spot, in downtown Peoria, IL. When we got hungry we just popped next door.

New Year’s:

               New year’s is coming up and so that means some of you will be making Corned Beef and Cabbage for your first meal of the year. My mother used to make this when I was a child, but I do not really eat beef anymore. I always wondered where this tradition came from. I assumed it was Irish. While I was not able to find why we eat corn beef and cabbage on this day I did find a link that told me where corned beef and cabbage came from. It turns out this dish is Irish American and not simply Irish. According to this link, Corn beef was made in Ireland, but was exported out. This made corned beef too expensive for the Irish to actually eat. Instead they ate salt pork. Irish Americans started eating corned beef once they came to the States because of its recompense to salt pork.  See the link for more details (

One of my favorite movies is “Boondock Saints”. This is more an Irish American Story then an Irish Story. The two main characters, who are supposed to the twins, are originally from Ireland. The movie centers on these two trying to clean the streets of Boston of mobsters.  In the mix an FBI agent who is following their work also ends up helping these two out. If you have not seen the movie, I would highly recommend it.

               There is a drinking game that goes along with the movie: take a sip of beer whenever someone cusses in the movie. Most people quit or pass out within the first 20 minutes of the movie. Other versions of the game is just drinking when they use the F-word.
Work Sited:

Duffy, Troy. “Boondock Saints”. 1999.

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