Saturday, August 16, 2014


A man sat at the edge of Piazza di Spagna in Romepainting the impressive sight in front of him in watercolor. A young American tourist came up to him and watched for a short time. After a few moments and offered him around $20 American for it. The man looked at the tourist for a moment and told him to come back in an hour when he finished.

The painting wasn't even signed, but it has been hanging in my kitchen ever since I moved to the Detroit area a few months ago, and in my hall before that. At one point it was hanging in my Grandparents living room, but originally it was a gift for my mom from my dad after he came back from his trip from Italy.

I wonder if the painter knew that the picture would be displayed for so long. I wonder if the painter would be immortalized digitally and posted on a blog over 40 years after it was created. After all, the painting is not even signed, or if the man was just there to paint and never gave the art work and the American who purchased it another thought.

Here in the states, it seems that Italy is known for their food: from their pasta to their pizza, to tiramisu to gelato.

My husband came home and I had decided to make him pizza from HelloFresh. It was amazing! It had pesto, asparagus , and broclatini, a vegetable that is much like broccoli but scrawnier. It reminded me of a the verdir pizza that I would order at Il Ratrivo when I was living in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. A pizzaria that was so good that people would travel from Chicago, three hours away, to eat there. The Recipe is as follows:
You can learn more about Hello Fresh by visiting this website: If you sign up you can use my referral code: R27SAH.

My step mom's birthday had been earlier that week, so to celebrate my husband and I took her out to an Italian restaurant, Andiamos. It is one of my parents favorite places to eat out. I had one of my favorite dishes, Gnocchi in a marinara sauce. For those of you who do not know what gnocchi is, it is a small potato dumpling. The meal was excellent and filling. The meal we had really did feel Italian. My family and I had long light hearted conversations that were filled with laughter, and thought.

Karl goes to Venice in Season 3, Episode 1 of “An Idiot Abroad”. This is the first episode where he is teamed up with Warwick Davis, the guy that played an Ewok in Star Wars. While in Venice they go on a gandela, where Karl makes it clear that he doesn't get why the city is in water. Warwick and Karl also go to a masquerade party where Warwick goes as Casanova and Karl goes as some sort of Clown or mime. During this party the Karl is made to go into a “pleasure machine” which is really just some sheets to hide the fact that people are shoving things like feathers in people's faces. Like always we get to laugh while Karl just seems to be annoyed and perplexed by everything he encounters.

Work Cited:


"Rome's Best Piazzas". Retrieved: September 3, 2014.

Yee, Richard. “An Idiot Abroa: Venice & Macedonia”. Aired 2012. 

Painting by: Unknown

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