Monday, April 28, 2014



9-11 happened when I was in high school. For many of us in my generation, this put Afghanistan on the map. Now, for some others, you may have previously heard of Afghanistan due to the Soviet’s war in Afghanistan (Part of the Cold War). This started in 1979, and it didn't end until 1989. This turned the then almost modernized country into what we would see it for when we entered into it 13 years later.

We would see it as a country with who treated women poorly. Impoverished desert people who had no western values.
April 28 marked Afghanistan's foundation day. So I had devoted the day to Afghanistan. Ironically, NPR had devoted several stories that week to the country. So everyday on my way to work I got to hear different stories about it.


The “Kite Runner” is a movie based on a book by Khaled Hosseini. It first depicts Afghanistan just prior to the Soviet Afghan war. Here Afghanistan was fairly prosperous. Amir is the main character, a boy with a privileged life. His best friend is Hassan, who is also his servant. They work together to win kites in competitive kite fighting, where the kite strings cut the strings of other kites. After the contest the two boys have a falling out due to a few unfortunate events.

Later the Amir and his father are forced to flee the country. His father had been involved in politics that had put him both at odds with the communists taking over and the Muslim fundamentalists that they were fighting against.

Years later Amir is grown up and married. Him and wife had been trying to have children, but had failed to get pregnant. Amir is called to Pakistan by one of his father’s old friend. He informs him once in Pakistan that Hassan has died and had left behind an orphaned son. The rest of the film is devoted to Amir trying to rescueing that child. Amir returns to Afghanistan to find it in ruins. Not at all what he remembered from his childhood.

This movie is heartwarming, saddening, and at times, horrifying.

Another movie that takes place in Afghanistan is a Bollywood film, “Kabul Express”. This shows Afghanistan while it is in the midst of the War with the U.S. In the movie two Indian raptors travel to Afghanistan to cover the War. They start in Kabul, and hire a Taxi. They eventually hook up with an American reporter. During their travels through Afghanistan they see some of the worse that this war torn country has to offer.

This book is slightly more fun than the “Kite Runner” while there are moments of seriousness, there are also moments of extreme action.


I have read a few books that took place in Afganistan. One them is by the same author that wrote “The Kite Runner”. It was called “A Thousand Splendid Suns" Where the “Kite Runner” was masculine story, A Thousand Splendid Suns was famine. Unlike the "Kite Runner", A thousand Splendid Sons was almost entirely in in Afghanistan. It focuses on the relationship between two women who are married to the same man, and are victims of abuse from there husband.

The one is much younger than the other. Prior to her marriage her life seemed to be on the right track:  with loving parents, and she has boyfriend that she is madly in love with. Then the war Soviet war came, almost destroying her life.

The other woman grew up much more unfortunate, and her life really not improve with marriage.


For Dinner, I had falafel pita sandwich and tubule.

Work Cited:

Hosseini, Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Sons. Published: 2007

Foster, Mark. Hosseini, Khaled. "The Kite Runner". 2007

Khan, Kabir. “Kabul Express”. 2006

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Earth Day:
Today is Earth Day. Climate change effects everyone around the world, from politics to our home life with weather changes. 

I thought I would celebrate by watching
movies with a earth friendly tone.

 The first movie I watched was “Fern Gully”. It was one of my childhood favorites. Christa, a ferry of the forest accidentally shrinks a logger, Zack. He learns through this experience the importance of the rainforest. Mean while Hexus, the spirit of destruction, has escaped and threatens the forest and all the creatures living in it. Christa realizes that humans are behind all the destruction that Hexus is feeding off of.

While Hexus was ultimately the spirit that moved the destruction of the forest it was humans that released it through the act of deforestation. Humans lead to the destruction and the end message was that only humans could stop it.

I also watched “An Inconvenient Truth”. This was the movie that sparked South Park to make fun of Al Gore with Man Bear Pig. Of course, in the movie there is no Man Bear Pig, but there is Al Gore, preaching a message about global warming and how there is more CO2 in the atmosphere then any other time in human history. This is causing higher temperatures and the melting of glaciers.


One of the books that I read that had gave me a better understanding of global warming was “Hot, Flat, and Crowded”, by Thomas Friedman. In Friedman’s previous book, “The World is Flat” Friedman explains that technology and the internet has made it possible for all of to connect faster and share information, thus “flattening” the world. In this book Friedman adds overpopulation and “Global Wierding” to this theme. Global Wierding, Friedman explains is not just the Earth warming, it is the idea that all weather systems are going to change due to green house gasses. Some places will become dryer, some places wetter, to the point of masses floods and drought that could destroy farming and food productions.  This book was written in 2008, and we have seen little progress in our attitudes towards climate change, or policies preventing it.
Thankfully, Thomas Friedman is following this up with a series "Years of Living Dangerously". This series shows how climate change effects politics around the world.
Personal Experience:
In 2006 I visited Glacier National Park with my mom. My mom wanted to go here at this time because she was afraid that the glaciers here would disappear before she ever had another  chance  to see this.
Work Cited:
Guggenheim. Davis. “An Inconvenient Truth”. 2006.
“Dr. Heidi Cullen and Tom Friedman on Face the Nation”. April 6, 2014
Freidman, Thomas. “Hot, Flat, and Crowded”. Published: 2008
Kryler, Bill. “Fern Gully: The Last Rain Forrest”. 1992
Picture of windmills taken by: Arvind Jujare.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Today I am working on discovering England. This is the country where our language comes from. If you live in India or Australia, you may despise the British. They colonized many places, and weren’t always nice to the indigenous people when doing so. Still, in America, much of our own culture and identity stems from their influence.

I started out by watching the Kings Speech, the tail of King George the VI and how he overcame a speech impediment to take the thrown after his older brother stepped down in order to marry an American divorcĂ©.  With the help of his unorthodox speech therapist, Logue, Prince Albert (King George the VI) is able to receipt Shakespeare, and address his subjects without stammering.

T.V. Show

Season 1 Episode 1
One of my favorite British T.V. shows is: “Mind Your Language”. This show from 1977 is not very P.C. It often makes fun of how tricky English language is, and how easy it is for a foreigner to misinterpret what it is that we are saying.

The show is set in a classroom where English is being taught as a second language. Each student comes from a different country, which at times causes problems amongst the students. For example, the Pakistani and Indian in the class often fight, which is great for a laugh.

Tonight I made fish and chips. I used cod, and I battered it in brown rice flower and egg. The chips I made by slicing potatoes and baking. I was trying to cut out a little bit of the fat and make it slightly healthier. I ate this with cole slaw.

 To drink, I had a New Castle Cabbie Black Ale. This is a dark beer, that tastes a somewhat like a light stout (such as Guinness), but less like soy sauce. I’m normally not a big fan of the darker beers, but I thought I would give this UK brew a try. It is hoppy, with a nutty, bitter, almost chocolate flavor…not bad if I say so myself.

Work Cited:
Hooper, Tom. “The King’s Speech” 2010.

Powel, Vince. “Mind Your Language”. “The First Lesson”. 30 December 1977.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter and the Silk Road

I hope you all had a good Easter. Easter is celebrated by Christians around the world. Here we celebrate by going to church and finding Easter Eggs that the Easter bunny hid. For Easter dinner, we might eat ham, chicken or turkey. Easter is supposed to be the most religious day of the year according to Catholics, yet in many cases, we pay less attention to it when compared to Christmas. Why is this? It might be that the activities associated with Easter are geared towards kids where with Christmas it is geared towards everyone. With Christmas, both adults and children exchange gifts, decorate the tree and house, bake cookies, and participate in singing, plays, and Christmas Carols. With Easter, the kids search for eggs and that’s often the end of it.

Today I read the book Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal, by Christopher Moore. This is a satire on the gospels. Biff, Christ’s best friend, is resurrected after 2000 years to add his take on Jesus’ story. He starts out describing Jesus’ childhood, before going into the lost years.

Biff and Jesus travel across the silk road to find the three wise men in order to find how Jesus is supposed to be the messiah. He runs into one Afghanistan, one in China, and one in India. In Afganistan he learns magic, in China he learns meditation, and in India he learns of to multiply food. The only part of him that he was born with was ability to heal others and forgive their sins. Everything else he had to learn for himself.

He returns home to spread the message that we all know and love, but with a lot more cussing then what is in the bible.

The book is clever and funny, and brings a much needed human element to Jesus, that you don’t see in the bible or other media based on the gospels.

The Silk Road:

What I like most about the book the most is the travel that is seen, especially along the silk road. According to Wikipedia, the Silk Road was started around 1 BC, for trade between the Roman empire and the East, primarily to bring silk from China. Other trade happened along these routes. The timeline of the start up of this route might suggest that Jesus would have at least heard of this route. Many have speculated that Jesus must have traveled this route during the lost years where he could have picked up some of his seemingly eastern philosophies. If he had not traveled the silk route, it is entirely possible that he found inspiration from traders coming out of this region.

Work Cited:
Moore, Christopher. Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal. Published: 2002.
“Silk Road”. Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 20, 2014.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014



Sudan is a country in North East Africa. It borders Egypt, Eretria, Ethiopia, and South Sudan (Wikipedia). It is best known for its numerous human rights violations. Most notably, its genocide of tribes in Darfur. The human rights violations however, do not stop with genocide. They also have strict rules against woman, where authorities are allowed to whip women who are not dressed “modestly”. Modestly is loosely defined, so this is up to the discretion of police. Meaning woman might get lashes for a strand of hair falling out of their hijab (head scarf). Another form of human rights is recruiting children as child soldiers to fight in their civil wars, attacking aid workers, and holding slaves.


With such hard lined public outcries over basic human rights you would think that rights of homosexuals would be the last thing on the minds of the citizens. Why risk making things better for homosexuals when your sisters are beaten and entire ethnic communities are getting slaughtered, children are being abused, and those trying to help face being murdered, right? After all if you are in a place where you see this, chances are you are at least somewhat of a religious conservative.

Yet this is brought up as an issue? Why? Part of the reason is cultural. In the 1930’s the many tribes had men who would dress as women. In other tribes many men had a lack of interest in settling down, often leading to strong male companionship.

South Sudan:

Civil war resulted in South Sudan broking away from Sudan in 2012. NPR has been keeping up with this story since 2012 (Thompkins).


It was hard to find specific Sudanese food, but parts of Sudan have similar food to that of its neighbor to the East, Ethiopia. I was able to find an Ethiopian restaurant nearby, the Blue Nile. I got the vegetarian feast, where I tried the Metin Shiro Wat (dal like: yellow split peas served in spices) and Gomen (Spiced Collard Greens).

When you eat this, you eat this with a group, where the food is in the center, and it is shared. You eat the food with a pancake like flat bread called Injera. You eat the dishes with your hands, using the flat bread to keep your hands clean.

 Work Cited:

“Sudan”. Wikipedia. Website: Retrieved: April 8, 2014.

“LGBT rights in Sudan”. Wikipedia. Website: Retrieved: April 8, 2014.

Thompkins, Gwen. “Many in Southern Sudan Long for Independence” May 2010. Retrieved: April 8, 2014.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chinese American


There seems to be a lot going on in the Chinese American
community these days. The California State Senator Leland Lee is accused of
being involved with San Francisco weapons smuggling ring, even though he has
big proponent of weapons.  Ramon Shrimp
Boy Chow is said to be the senators link to criminal underworld.
The Chinese American community has been well established in
San Fransico since the gold rush. They are just now getting a foothold in
public office. Now they have an Asian American Mayor. Many people feel that
Leland Lee’s actions put a blemish on the Chinese American community.

Earlier this year, I wrote about a book by Amy Tan: The Valley of Amazement . I find it interesting that part of the book links back to San Fransco, where Violets mother is from. The book describes how Violets mother left the US to follow a man to China. You can read more  about this book on my previous blog on China's Arbor Day.

Saturday, I was listening to NPR and they had an interview with the documentarian of, “Seeking Asian Female”. Debbie Lum is an Asian American, and she often sees Anglo men who are interested in Asian women. She herself is married to a white man. She followed pre-married couples to see what relationships between the two were really like. She had wanted to be objective,
but during her interview, Debbie Lum talks about how she felt too involved with the subjects of her documentary.

This past week I ate at PF Changs with my dad. My dad and I
shared vegetable dumplings, and I had Coconut Curry Vegetables. It came with
pan fried tofu. As far as the dumplings are concerned, I think that noodles and
company make dumplings better.  The curry
tasted like it contained mustard, which was not something I particularly enjoyed,
but the vegetables themselves were cooked well.
Work Cited:

Gonzales, Richard. “The Story of Calif. Senator’s Arrest
Reads Like Pulp Fiction”.
Published: April 5, 2014. Retrieved: April 8, 2014
Gonzales, Richard. “San Francisco's. "Chinatown Hurt By Yee Scandal”April 08, 2014

“Seeking Asian Female”. Snap Judgement. NPR Published April 5, 2014.
Retrieved: April 8, 2014.